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Desi Radio






International Hindi Radio

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Online radio London


00:00 / 01:04

Desi Radio is an online radio station based in West London, UK. The channel is committed to promoting the Punjabi culture and music to achieve integrity among the Punjabi communities in the UK. The channel broadcasts various programs like poetry, Stories, talks, and music to keep its listeners entertained and engaged. The online radio channels act as a medium to present Punjabi ideas and philosophy to better connect with other communities and help reflect cultural diversity. The channel streams live music and other programs 24x7 on 1602AM in West London and Sky Channel 0169 in UK, Europe, and around the world. The Desi Radio channel has an awesome lineup of Punjabi and Hindi songs. It is impressive how the channel is working hard to achieve its goals of communal integrity and awareness via radio. Desi Radio is an example of how little things can make difference. Listen to Desi Radio to feel and admire the Punjabi music and culture.

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